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WORKDAY: Sawing Downed Trees, BCSA.
About this event
Sawing downed trees in BCSA Area. Meet at FM 2025 and FSR 220 at 8:00 on Tuesday, 28 Jan. GPS: 30.5288, -95.1468. Participants will divide into two teams: One going South from FSR220 and one going North from TH#12. Bring usual PPE for a sawing day.
Members: Log-in to Club Express before signing up
Returning Non-members: Search for yourself when Registering.
Registration Info
Registration is closed - Event is full
No walkup volunteers can be accepted. All participants must have a Volunteer Service Agreement (VSA) approved by the USFS and in Club records. Volunteers should wear sturdy footwear, long pants, and light long-sleeved shirt. Bring ample water (hydration pack recommended), snacks, and insect repellent. Please bring leather work gloves and some form of eye protection (glasses, dark glasses). Hardhats required. Bring your own hardhat or we will have some spares. No pets.
4 Total Slots
Event is full - Waitlist available